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Social Sciences Department

Social Sciences Department

  • World History, World Geography & Human Geography

Learning Social Studies is not confined to memorizing dates, people’s names, places, and events. Social Studies subjects such as World History, World Geography and Human Geography offer dynamic activities that aim to develop among the students the skills in historical analysis and geography as well.

Students utilize diverse learning styles and creativity and work cooperatively to produce outputs such as collage, bulletin board displays, brochures and the foldable.  Students are encouraged to conceptualize and execute their vision in a hands-on approach that makes history come alive through International fairs in Geography, cultural presentations and cooking demonstrations and news casting, role playing and the Live Museum for World History classes, respectively.

Human Geography course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. It is an excellent course for preparing students to become geo-literate youth and adults. 

  • Psychology 

Psychology is the science that involves the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.  The clinical profession of human psychology recognizes mental processes, their effects upon behavior or emotional disorders. Hence, taking a psychology class is a great way to increase your understanding of the human mind and behavior.

Psychology encompasses broad areas of research about human behavior, information that should be available to all high school students who want to understand themselves and their world better. It is important to know that a psychology class creates in students active intellectual and emotional involvement, not only in learning the subject but in real life as well.

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