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Filling the Void: Health and Spiritual Emphasis Week Highlights Holistic Development

Ramkhamhaeng Advent International School celebrated its Health and Spiritual Emphasis Week, spanning from September 18 to September 21, 2023.

This year’s theme, “Wholeness and Holiness, was thoughtfully woven into student experiences by our guest speaker, Pastor Jerome Masilamony. His uplifting messages touched on filling emotional voids, fostering connections, nurturing relationships, and embracing compassion.

These profound lessons struck a chord with our students, with one sharing, “I’ve learned that instead of fixating on singular problems, we should shift our perspective to see life as a whole. Connecting with God and adopting His perspective is one way to achieve this.”

The program coordinators prepared a live band organized by both students and teachers to add variation and awaken interest among students. Other students also showcased their talents by offering interpretative dance presentations, singing songs, and hosting the event as emcees.

The program ended on a high note, with some students stating how important spirituality is in every person’s life and how faith and trust complete us and make us whole.

#RAIS #ACaringCommunity #HealthandSpiritual #Emphasisweek

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