โดย Webmaster | ก.ค. 16, 2024
Amber Aomboon Choopong We are delighted to announce the achievement of AUTO PHATTHAKRIT AMORNWITHAYAWECH (Grade 5), in “AMG Thailand Junior Golf Championship”, held in Royal Hills Golf Resort & Spa on June 29- 30, 2024. The Award:🥇1st Runner Up Way...
โดย Webmaster | ธ.ค. 10, 2021
Apichaya Kosanunt StatusCurrent Student ExperiencesIce Hockey player. 2020 – Most valuable playerThailand ice hockey Championship. 2020 – Most valuable playerBangkok youth ice Hockey tournament. 2019 – ChampionBangkok fly Ice Hockey tournament. 2019 –...
โดย Webmaster | มิ.ย. 3, 2019
Sikharee Suttharaggsa 2019 Buriram Games: Sandee Won Gold in Rhythmic Gymnastics Sandee Won Gold at Buriram Games 2019Sikharee Suttharaggsa or Sandee won a gold medal in the hoops and ribbons group category rhythmic gymnastics event at the 35th Thailand National Youth...