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Champion Recognition | K-Pop Cover Dance

Champion Recognition | K-Pop Cover Dance

Champion Recognition | K-Pop Cover Dance ​Congratulations to GWEN NUTWASA BOONPRASERT (Grade 3), on the outstanding performance in “Minburi K-Pop Cover Dance Contest 2023”, held at Minburi district, on December 22, 2023. The Award:🏆1st Runner-Up: K-Pop Cover...
​High School Students Outreach Event

​High School Students Outreach Event

​High School Students Outreach Event Our high school students participated in an outreach event aimed at fostering environmental awareness and conservation efforts. The 9th and 10th graders learned about the vital role mangroves play in coastal protection and...
Second Quarter Achievement Award

Second Quarter Achievement Award

Second Quarter Achievement Award Today’s chapel period resonated with pride as students were honored for their accomplishments of the 2nd quarter. The ceremony reflected a spectrum of achievements, with some students exceeding their first-quarter performance,...
Fire Safety Program Semester 2/2023-2024

Fire Safety Program Semester 2/2023-2024

Fire Safety Program Semester 2/2023-2024 RAIS carried out a fire safety drill this morning, placing the safety of students, teachers, and staff at the forefront. The main goal was to ensure the community is well-equipped to handle emergencies with efficiency,...
Second Semester Begins!

Second Semester Begins!

Second Semester Begins! RAIS opened its doors to a New Year and a New Semester, welcoming back its family. Second semester officially began today and students and teachers are all excited to be back at school. With many wonderful activities planned for this semester...