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Happy Pi Day | 3.14

Happy Pi Day | 3.14

Happy Pi Day | 3.14 March 14 is known as the Pi Day! This doesn’t mean it’s time to eat pies all day, but the date was founded in 1988 by the physicist Larry Shaw, it’s because the numerical date 3/14 is the same as Pi – 3.14! The celebration for Pi day...
EFL Preparation For Grammar Exam

EFL Preparation For Grammar Exam

EFL Preparation For Grammar Exam Last week, the EFL B students played a board game for their final preparation for the upcoming grammar exam. The task was to build sentences using Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses using the roll of the dice to move forward to win...
Raptors Celebration

Raptors Celebration

Raptors Celebration Yesterday, the PE department held a celebration for all the hard work the students and PE teachers put in in competing in the house color games and ISAA competition. The students always look forward to this event, and with dozens of pizzas, no one...
Orchestra Practice | RAIS Chamber Orchestra

Orchestra Practice | RAIS Chamber Orchestra

Orchestra Practice | RAIS Chamber Orchestra The rehearsal room of the orchestra was filled with performers with instruments in their hands this afternoon. Though the students came with different motivations and background experiences, they were all committed to the...
Awarding Ceremony | SLAM 2023

Awarding Ceremony | SLAM 2023

Awarding Ceremony | SLAM 2023 March 8, 2023 – The wait is over! This morning the PE department finally declared the awards from the recent Sports, Literary, and Music festival or what we call the “SLAM”. The suspense was high because every house color was...

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